踏入不惑之年的门坎,我们自问何为“不惑”。我想,不惑应表现为宠辱不惊。因为明了自己生活的追求是什么, 所以不容易为外部环境或他人之言所困惑或左右,在生活的起伏中保持思绪的宁静和平安。心灵从日常的烦扰和焦虑中解放出来,得以看到真正的美,感受真心的爱,捕捉到瞬间的温存,听到自然的低语。
Many friends that went to school with me have recently entered or will soon enter the year of no doubts. Chinese have not an indigenous religion that reveals THE TRUTH and therefore seldom display any missionary passion. Very often observation of life results in intellectual or practical wisdoms and is used for reflection on one's own life. As an example, Confucius put his understanding of the general pattern of different phase of a human life in these words: "At fifteen my heart was set on learning; at thirty I stood firm and independent; at forty I had no more doubts; at fifty I knew the mandate of heaven; at sixty my ear was obedient; at seventy I could follow my heart's desire without transgressing the norm."
At the year of no doubts, we asked ourselves what it is to be "no doubts". To me, it means clarity of what I want out of this life so that I am not easily confused or swayed by external environment or attitude of other people. This leads to peace of mind and calmness in emotion. The heart is freed from distractions and anxiety in order to see the real beauty and feel the true love, in order to catch the tenderness in a transient moment and hear the whispers of nature.
One afternoon shortly after my birthday, I sat on the balcony. The rain just stopped. I saw a black butterfly with strikingly vibrant violet tails land on our Bougainvillea tree, hopping on purple flowers and green leave glistening with rain drops. Moved by this almost dreamy scene, I noticed that I was smiling with a full, contented heart. Perhaps the year of no doubt was really setting in. For that, I was very happy.