Friday, May 15, 2009

My New Website 我的新網頁

Please visit my new website at   

I'll gradually migrate to the new site and stop writing on this one.  It's best viewed through Safari to avoid slow loading.


Wednesday, April 08, 2009

生日 Birthday



“嗯,又老了一岁”, 我微笑了一下,心里很安静。


The chirping of birds greeted me in the morning when I woke up on my birthday. Outside the window was the water-color green of the spring jungle. Rays of sunshine would soon brighten the room.

"Happy Birthday", he might have noticed that I was awake now.
"Yes, one year older." I smiled, feeling peaceful.
"No, one day older." Although I haven’t yet experienced any fear for getting old, such soothing words still breezed through very pleasantly and gently.

True, it is nicer to live the time we have exquisitely not hastily, and count them by days not years. This may help us catch more beautiful moments from each day that would have otherwise slipped away unnoticed, and form richer and more colorful layers in the depth of our memories. If there were really another life after this one, or, life continued beyond death in a different form of existence, the only wealth from this world that could accompany us, on our way through spaces and times, might be only these memories.

Friday, March 20, 2009

闲散的一天 A Lazy Day




The deal was finally closed last night after dragging on and on for a year. This morning I decided to have a lazy day on the island.

Spring is suddenly here after a very humid night. Birds are chirping cheerfully and hundreds of butterflies burst out from the bushes without any warning. Outside our study window was a sleepy cat, still not willing to open his eyes in the warm sunlight.

It’s been a while since I last went up to Tai Ping Village and the morning trail, so I set out toward that direction. At the end of Taiping was a stunningly beautiful garden, with all kinds of colorful flowers, over which white butterflies were fluttering. There were vegetables too. Somebody opened the bamboo fence and invited me in. This was Michael, originally from Pakistan, but has been in Hong Kong for over 20 years. Michael pinched lots of leaves from the lettuce and spinach rows and gave them to me with some small tomatoes. A fresh salad for lunch. A short walk away from Michael’s garden, I was stopped by a big Bauhinia tree, thousands of pink flowers flowing down like a waterfall.

When I was back at the gate to our courtyard, I was touched by some pleasant aroma. It was from the little white flowers currently in full blossom among the green leaves. I got into the house, opened all the windows and let in the spring breeze from the ocean. The light curtains started to flutter, and a quiet happiness filled my heart.

It was so nice to have such a lazy time to enjoy home, to enjoy the island and to be touched by the beauty which I hastily pass by day in and day out. I never wish to return to those hectic days again.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009






"Lotus", a novel written by Annie Baby, was among a big pile of books given to me by a good friend when I was in Beijing during the Chinese New Year. I had heard of this writer but didn’t give her any serious look, hindered by her garish pen name. The book took me by surprise. I opened it late last night and didn’t close it until the last line was done. Birds started then the first chirps before the dawn broke.

Annie’s language is clean, calm and powerful, telling stories of people who seem to dwell at the remotest corner of the world but forcefully remind me of the desires, dreams, pains and tenderness in my own life and of my own illusions and reality. Perhaps every one of us has, at some moment, wished to be a drifter, free and peaceful, away from this world’s chaos, noise and constraints, even though in the end, most of us are reluctant or too afraid to entirely desert the imperfect lives that we are used to.

At the age of 13, the two protagonists of "Lotus" descended into the depth of a forest and were encountered by an unbelievable scene – thousand of yellow butterflies dancing in columns of sunlight, lonely but magnificent. From this day, the two departed onto different routes. The girl followed straight the direction of the butterflies to look for a true proof of life; while the boy turned back to make a success in the world but felt always estranged from it. Where should one go to find ones destiny?

Be like a lotus, out from sludge and darkness, toward the light above. In this light I may see my true self and in this light I may find a way that truly belongs to me. The rest, possibly, are not at all that important.

Monday, February 16, 2009

你已为我拔涉千里 For Me, You Have Trekked Through Thousands of Miles






Friday, February 13, 2009

有事做,有盼望 Something to do, and Something to Look Forward to



There is a girl who runs several news stands on Queen’s Road Central. I got to know her when I asked her to keep some mainland published newspapers for me. Every morning I pass her stand and greet her and every morning she looks happy and energetic. This morning when we exchanged greetings again, she wished me “to have something to do and have something to look forward to.”

Have something to do and have some to look forward to. What a simple wish that reveals the secret of happiness. If I use everyday in my life to accomplish and to hope, I’ll be happy and have no regret.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

大城北京 Beijing, A Grand City



This Chinese New Year when I was back in Beijing, I did not get sentimental about changes in my hometown or try to revive memories from the past. I was calm and at ease like a wayfarer, who accidentally travelled to the city. Yet at the time of departure, I couldn’t help but feeling happy and excited about, from what I’d observed, the rejuvenation of a grand city. Its history and culture, its aspiration and boldness, its magnanimou and humorous people, its exhibition of great diversity – all combined to give the city an extrordinary vitality and irresistable glow of beauty. It has a long way to come, and for sure, a long way to go. There are still many disturbing corners, but the sparkle of such vitality and beauty has indeed touched me. Beijing will experience a profound renainance of civilization and become the city of the orient, grand and full of charm. This was an expectation I started to cherish when the train took me slowly out of the platform, and then out of the city.

Some pictures during the trip to Beijing in early 2009 can be found in “Through My Lens”.

Monday, January 12, 2009

很近的满月 Closer to the Moon

据说两天前我们能看到比平时大1/6的满月,是月亮离地球最近的一天, 每12年一次。今天清晨的月亮依然很圆很大,静静地悬在榕树湾上空,水也漫上来,天微微亮了,很美的一个图画。

It’s said that two days ago the moon was the closest to the earth in years, therefore it looked bigger. Early this morning, there was still a full moon, over Yung Shue Wan. The water was high, and daylight started to set in. A very peaceful picture.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

静听风吟 Whispers of the Wind

好友寄来一张北京三里屯使馆区的照片,让我看看曾经熟悉和钟爱的秋色。是啊,当我想念北京的秋天时,这想念每每化作眼前漫漫的银杏树叶和耳边的低低风吟,还有当年流行的一首歌的歌词“我是一只小小鸟,想要飞,却怎么也飞不高”。连自己那时的样子,也跃然眼前,秋天起风的日子里,常常是一条红格呢裙子,黑色高领羊毛衫,头上包着一块红丝巾, 穿过种满银杏树的巷子,去打大学毕业后的第一份工, 这么多年过去了,我好像还是一只想飞的鸟,那召唤来自飞翔的感觉,不为到哪儿,只为飞。无目的带来自由,所过之处留下想念,这想念有时如同微风掠过,而我就在世界的某个角落,也许是一个月明星稀的秋夜,静听风吟。

To show me Beijing’s autumn colors, a former colleague sent over a photo he took of ginkgo trees in Sanlitun diplomatic compounds with which I used to be very familiar. Yes, when I miss the autumn in Beijing, it is the boundless expansion of these golden fan-shape ginkgo leaves I see and the soft whispers of the wind I hear, and I recall lyrics of a popular song in those years: “I am a small bird, eager to fly but can never reach high…”. Often appearing vividly was also an image of myself, in a black turtle-neck pullover and a red woolen skirt, head wrapped in a red silk scarf, walking along the ginkgo tree lined streets on a windy autumn day, toward my first job after university…Years have passed, and I still feel like a bird, eager to fly. The allure is the flying itself, not to any destination but to fly. Absence of a goal creates freedom, while every episode along the way lingers in the memories. On some days these memories brush through like a breeze, perhaps on an autumn night, under bright full moon and few stars, and all I have to do is to quietly listen to its whispers.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

还爱吃巧克力么? Still Love Chocolates?

不久前跟中学时的同桌好友联络上了,特别高兴。 在msn上没聊两句,她打出一句:“你还那么爱吃巧克力么?”这话只有她问得出来,我的回答却令自己失望:“不怎么吃了。”完美的答案应该是:“象以前一样爱。”曾经深爱的东西理应永远深爱,这才因执着而圆满。



我的朋友,谢谢你还记得岁月中某一时刻的我,就让她安静的留在那一时刻吧。 不过,今天下班的时候,我给自己买了一板巧克力。

Some days ago, I got reconnected with a close friend from high school days. After a few sentences exchanged on msn, she wrote: “You still love chocolates?” She’s the only one who would have asked such a question. My answer disappointed myself: “Not so much anymore.” It should have been: “As much as before”. A sense of imperfection seized me when I realized the loss of a once strong passion, which should have remained, always.

Her question has lingered in my mind. Memories from twenty years before engulfed me with warmth and nostalgia that felt deep and boundless. I was brought back to see things once so important to me but were eventually lost on the way. Pain fell tenderly, like the pink petals of peach blossom falling in a fine, misty drizzle. The tenderness in such pain creates a poet out of everybody.

I was 18 years old then and loved chocolates. I also loved dancing, Misty Poems and the freedom and joy coming from everything unrelated to reviewing for the university entrance examinations. Friends labeled me as an idealist, in constant pursuit of perfection in life. When I ponder over my life from 18 years old to now, I see that such a pursuit has remained. Perhaps this is how it is in the searching, losing, deserting and gaining in our lives. In seemingly imperfect, unsatisfactory choices we make, certain perseverance has never changed.

My friend, thank you for remembering the girl that I was at certain moment in the passing of months and years. Let her peacefully stay at that moment. Only today after work, I got myself a big piece of chocolate.